Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Generation to the next....

So the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we were feeling a little bit cooped up. We decided that the boys needed to get out of the house. We wanted to hike, but we didn't want to go too far since we needed to get back and help my Dad put up Christmas lights. We decided to put Hayden down for a nap and head up to the SugarLoaf (The Red Hill with the DIXIE on it). I remember my Mom taking us up there when I was little. I also remember bumper-jumping and night repelling off the D (not me-way to afraid of heights) when I was in High school. Who was in the car with us when we got chased?

The boys had a great time climbing and exploring and this time around I was the mom so I had a great time worrying that they were going to fall. It was a nice little adventure out of the house. Aren't we lucky to live close to such beautiful places. Crazy to be getting older and to take my kids somewhere that I went as a little kid. It was kind of surreal!

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