Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tagged by Suz!

1. Link your tagger(Suz) and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I wash plastic silverware. Much to my Husband's dismay. I can't help it, throwing away a piece of silverware that can be used again seems like such a waste to me. I know this defeats the purpose of the ease of plastic silverware, but what can I say, I am my mother's daughter.

2. I match my hangers to my clothes. I know this sounds weird but I can't help it. For some reason it bothers me to see a hanger that doesn't match the shirt that it is holding. Cody has never been able to understand this quirky little thing about me. This problem has eased up a little by only purchasing white hangers. White matches just about everything.

3. I love popcorn. I really really do. When I was younger my Dad would make it for me every Sunday and I used to make it almost everyday after school. The other day Suzanne called me and told me that she had some connections and could get me a big bag of movie popcorn. Yummy! So she brought it over and it literally was in a huge garbage sack. My kind of snack. Add a pepsi and I am set.

4. I don't know how to do hair. I am seriously in need of help. I feel so bad for Hayden. I have tried to do my nieces hair and it is impossible. When I helped watch Averi about a month ago, she got totally annoyed with me. She finally said "Even I can do a ponytail!" Maybe Hayden's hair won't grow or she'll go bald then we'll be okay.

5. I love to read. I guess you could call me a nerd or a bookworm. I can start a book and finish it in one day, not because I read all day but because I read pretty fast. I love almost any kind of book and I am always searching for the next thing to read. The trouble now is finding the time to sit down and do it. This is one thing that I truly want to pass on to my children.

6. I crave volleyball. I know that you're thinking "Crave" might be the wrong word to use, but I really do. I would play everyday if I had the opportunity. If I go for long periods of time without it I feel like I am having withdrawals. I love it.

7. I love to sing. As I get older it seems there aren't as many opportunities to sing, but every chance I get I try to take it. I remember singing the National Anthem at a basketball/volleyball (?) game (remember girls), singing for the Jubilee of Trees, singing at the State Fair and messing up, singing in church, and singing at my friend Michelle's wedding. So fun! I love that I have this talent and although I'm not Kelly Clarkson (Sorry Cody) I still love to sing.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I didn't know you sang at Michelle's wedding! How fun! How is she by the way? Do you still keep in touch? You need to tell her to start a blog! It was fun reading these things about you.