Monday, February 16, 2009

Does The Incredible Hulk eat waffles naked???

Wish you could see the pictures to go along with this, but you'll just have to imagine it!

Chase is going through an Incredible Hulk phase and he has it in his head that when the Incredible Hulk turns into the Incredible Hulk, he's naked. We have tried to explain to him that he is still wearing shorts, but Chase doesn't believe us. Several times during the last week Chase has come running into the the room stark naked and flexing his muscles claiming to be the Incredible Hulk. This morning while we were eating waffles Chase went into the other room and came back a few minutes later "In Character." He took a few bites of waffles, flexed and then ran out the front door. He hopped on his big wheel and headed for the neighbors buck naked. What a sight! I sometimes wonder what people think when they drive by and see my naked son running around!

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The Calico Crew said...

I'm sure they think, "Hey was that the Hulk?" That's too cute. I'm glad my boys don't know there's a possibility to run around outside naked. We do enough of it inside the house!

The Calico Crew said...

I should have clarified my comment. It's the people that are driving by seeing chase naked that say/think that....I think you would have got it, but just in case :)

Bethany said...

OMG that is TOO funny! I love this stuff! Roman found an 18 months spiderman costume a couple of months ago and wore it, store, you name it. It was so small on him. What will they think of next