Chase is always saying or doing things that make me smile. My mom actually told me a couple of months ago that I should start blogging just so I could keep track of all the funny things he does. And although I keep journals for all of my kids to track there milestones, I am sure that I am forgetting some of the funny day to day stuff that they say and do. So now that I have a blog I will try to keep track of them.
-After our four-wheeling trip Chase was following my Dad around tormenting him. Chase is a total tease. He kept pushing my Dad in the back/bum. Thanks heavens Grandpa is patient. Finally Chase lunged at my Dad, but my Dad was ready for him. He sidestepped and Chase fell down into the mud. Since Chase is always dirty a little mud didn't hurt him.
-One day I laid Chase down for his afternoon nap. After about fifteen minutes I could still hear him up there chatting with himself. I walked to the bottom of the stairs and asked him what was wrong. He said that his shirt wouldn't let him take a nap. A few minutes later I heard him again. Again I asked him what was wrong and he said that his shirt wouldn't let him take a nap. I asked him if he thought he could ignore his shirt. He told me that he would ignore his shirt and a few minutes later he was sleeping soundly. A couple of days later I laid him down for his nap and he told me that he was going to go right to sleep, because he was going to ignore his shirt.
-The other day the boys were playing outside. All of the sudden Chase came running into the house. I thought that someone had died by the way he was screaming. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he had eaten some "Green Berries." He said that his mouth was burning. I got him some milk out of the fridge and poured him a glass. All the while he was spitting and rubbing his tongue trying to get the "HOT" out of his mouth. When I handed him the glass I noticed that he had something on his lip. It looked like a jalepeno seed, which by the way is the hottest part of the pepper. I asked him if he ate a jalepeno out of the garden. He said yes he ate the "green berries" out of the garden. I went outside to check on the other boys and they told me that one of the other boys had put one in his mouth, but realized rather quickly that is was hot and spit it out. But of course Chase had to eat the whole thing. After 3 glasses of milk and 2 spoonfuls of sugar he was finally able to go back outside.
We love Chase and the ability he has to make everyone around him happy.
Linzi, that is hilarious! Next time he eats a jalapeno, feed him guacamole to get rid of the "hot." LOL Then again, hopefully there won't be a next time.
Ruth, To be honest I felt horrible because I couldn't stop laughing at him, he was acting so funny and I am sure that there will be a next time. That's just how Chase is.
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